Monday, November 25, 2019

college essay( fire dept) essays

college essay( fire dept) essays I decided to join the fire department a year and half ago as a way to aid the community in which I ¡Ã‚ ¯ve lived all my life. Firefighting has always been an interest of mine. It was something I dreamed of doing as a child. When I began to realize my dream, I had no idea of the obstacles and challenges that I would face, the things I would witness and the change it would have on me as a person. After being voted into the department, I entered what is called a  ¡Ã‚ °probie ¡ period, which is a year of probation that all rookie firemen must go through. During this time, I took many courses ranging from water rescue, CPR certification, hazardous material, and extrication training. In addition to these concentrations, I had to clean the firehouse, make beds, wash the trucks, do the dishes, and roll hose. I did this without complaint because I knew it was part of the learning process in becoming a firefighter. All the firefighters were very supportive of me, watched over me, and helped teach me the skills necessary to become a firefighter. The first call I responded to was a signal 50, which means,  ¡Ã‚ °fire ¡. I slid down the fire pole, threw on my turnout gear, which consisted of my coat, boots, hat, and pants. I jumped in the truck, feeling an overwhelming sense of nervousness and excitement. I can still remember my captain telling me hit the horn and siren as we went thorough busy downtown Mystic. I was imaging a house engulfed in flames. As we arrived at the scene to my surprise, a brush fire caused by the disposal of coal from a fireplace was the only thing I encountered that day. Since that day, though, I have come upon many high stress situations involving fatal car crashes, search and rescue, and structure fires. My first fire occurred in a two story wood building. I was at the nozzle of the hose, directing the flow of water with my captain and a fellow firefighter behind me. My captain told me ...

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