Sunday, December 22, 2019

More Than Just A Five Dollar Bill - 1429 Words

Jordan Ernst Mr. Wycislo American Government (1) Due December 19th, 2014 Government Term Paper More Than Just a Five Dollar Bill Compared to many other countries across the globe, The United States of America is defiantly one of the youngest nations. The nation is only 238 years old which is not a long time compared to other countries. Over the last 238 years a lot has happened in America. One thing that has not changed in the United States of America is the government. When people came over from England to the United States, people were not used to having a president. The President would fulfill the wants of the people of the nation and do whatever it took. With the United States in need of A president, some of the greatest leaders†¦show more content†¦Citizens were given 160 acres of land in the western territory for approximately five years to settle on. These citizens who took this deal were responsible for improving the Western side of the United States. This helped the United States expand from East to West ( 1). Lincoln wanted to make sure that the United States did not only stay in the east, but also spread their people across the land. Although this was a very powerful law that was passed, Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation blew this away. The Emancipation Proclamation was a bill that President Lincoln signed that tried end slavery in the United States. It also gave people who were fighting in the war a reason to fight for. By Lincoln passing this law it showed that he was not just worried for the common good of certain people, but of all people. The Emancipation Proclamation was the first step for slavery to be abolished in the United States of America ( The Emancipation Proclamation s helped the Union a lot in the war. Black slaves who were enslaved by the Confederates in the south were forced to work in factories. The slaves were not trusted to be put in the battle because many people feared that they would turn of the confederates and help the Union. So, the Emancipation Proclamation helped the slaves leave the South

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