Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Brief Note On Global Gender Inequality Issues - 1334 Words

Global Gender Inequality Issues Continuing Problem Gains and Progress More than 110 million children in the world are not in school. Among them two third of it accounts for girls. Some of the developing countries including Jamaica, Philippines and South Africa has worked on gender inequalities and made such policies that women literacy rate has gone higher. Women represents an average of less than 10% in the parliaments of various countries around the world. In 2005 Iraqi government decided that 25 percent of the parliamentarians must be women. Uganda has guaranteed one third seats to women in parliament, and Canada is also flowing their footsteps. In Sub-Saharan Africa 58% of person infected by HIV are women. In 2001 United Nations set a target that government should make strategies to empower women and reduce their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS Women are prohibited of ownership of land by families. United Nations passed Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEFDAW) which provided women with freedom and protected their rights especially towards the ownership of inheritance Women only earned 77% of wage for the same amount of work what men do. Gender inequality in Canada is not allowed by legislation and all women are equal, especially in earning money at work place B) Issue In today’s modern era are women still facing gender inequality in Canada? Concern †¢ This issue is important as calls for equal rights for women in the society. ItShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Universal Declaration Of Human Right Runs3100 Words   |  13 PagesUniversal Declaration of Human Right runs that everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. In this regards, statistics says that gender inequality in general, part of which is unequal pay, began to decline in the last ten years, but the process goes slowly and unevenly. 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